The C Programming Language

Chapter 8 - The UNIX System Interface 2

mmresult 2017. 12. 22. 10:56

Rewrite fopen and _fillbuf with fields instead of explicit bit operations. Compare code size and execution speed.

Solution by Akil Adeshwar

   Rewrite fopen and _fillbuf with fields instead of explicit bit operations.
   To avoid confusion, my implementation of standard definitions have a suffix "x"

   Field based approach is time consuming as we would have to check if each field
   is set or not while finding a free slot. Using Bit manipulation, we just have to
   compare the particular flag bit to zero.
   Bit fields can be used in struct _flags structure to reduce the total size of a File type.


#define EOF (-1)
#define OPEN_MAX 20 // Maximum files that can be open
#define PERMS 0666


// Field based approach for flags
typedef struct _flags{
 int _READ;
 int _WRITE;
 int _UNBUF;
 int _EOF;
 int _ERR;

// File Data structre.

typedef struct _iobuf {
 int cnt;
 char *ptr;
 char *base;
 struct _flags flags;
 int fd;


int _fillbuffx(FILEx *f);

#define getcx(p) (--(p)->cnt >= 0? (unsigned char) *(p)->ptr++:_fillbufx(p))

//Check if Slot is empty by checking if all fields are
//empty in the flags structure

int is_empty(struct _flags flags){
 if(!flags._READ && !flags._WRITE && !flags._UNBUF &&
   !flags._EOF && !flags._ERR)
  return 1;
 return 0;


FILEx *fopenx(char *name,char *mode){
 int fd;
 FILEx *fp;
 // Invalid Input
 if( *mode != 'r' && *mode != 'w' && *mode != 'a' )
  return NULL;

 // Check for free slot
 for( fp= _iob; fp< _iob + OPEN_MAX ; fp++)
 // If FULL return NULL
 if( fp>= _iob+OPEN_MAX )
  return NULL;
 // Create file on Write Mode
 if( *mode == 'w')
  fd = creat(name,PERMS);
 // Append Mode - If file not present create one
 else if( *mode == 'a') {
  if((fd = open(name,O_WRONLY,0))==-1)
   fd = creat(name,PERMS);
  lseek(fd,0L,2); // Go to end, in case of append
  fd = open(name,O_RDONLY,0);
 if(fd == -1)
  return NULL;
 fp->fd = fd;
 if(*mode == 'r')
  fp->flags._READ = 1;
  fp->flags._WRITE = 1;
 return fp;


int _fillbufx(FILEx *fp){

 int bufsize;

 if(fp->flags._READ == 0)
  return EOF;
 bufsize = (fp->flags._UNBUF != 0)? 1:BUFSIZ;
 if(fp->base == NULL)
  if((fp->base = (char *) malloc (bufsize))==NULL)
   return EOF;
 fp->ptr = fp->base;
 fp->cnt = read(fp->fd,fp->ptr,bufsize);
 if(--fp->cnt< 0){

  if(fp->cnt == -1)
  fp->cnt = 0;
  return EOF;
 return (unsigned char) *fp->ptr++;


int main(void){
 //Use your own file.
 FILEx *fp = fopenx("test.c","r");
  char c;
  // getcx is a macro defined above
 return 0;