Write a program that converts upper case to lower or lower case to upper, depending on the name it is invoked with, as found in argv[0].
Solution by Richard Heathfield
/* This program converts its input to upper case
* (if argv[0] begins with U or u) or lower case.
* If argc is 0, it prints an error and quits.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int (*convcase[2])(int) = {toupper, tolower};
int func;
int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
int ch;
if(argc > 0)
if(toupper((unsigned char)argv[0][0]) == 'U')
func = 0;
func = 1;
while((ch = getchar()) != EOF)
ch = (*convcase[func])((unsigned char)ch);
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown name. Can't decide what to do.\n");
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
return result;
Here's a category 1 solution from Bryan Williams...
Exercise 7-1. Write a program that converts upper case to lower case or lower case to upper,
depending on the name it is invoked with, as found in argv[0].
Assumptions: The program should read from stdin, until EOF, converting the output to stdout
The correct outputs should be :
Program Name Output
lower stdin with all caps converted to lower case
upper stdin with all lowercase characters converted to uppercase
[anything else] helpful message explaining how to use this
Author : Bryan Williams
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define SUCCESS 0
#define NO_ARGV0 1
#define BAD_NAME 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ErrorStatus = SUCCESS;
int (*convert)(int c) = NULL;
int c = 0;
/* check that there were any arguments */
if(SUCCESS == ErrorStatus)
if(0 >= argc)
printf("Your environment has not provided a single argument for the program name.\n");
ErrorStatus = NO_ARGV0;
/* check for valid names in the argv[0] string */
if(SUCCESS == ErrorStatus)
if(0 == strcmp(argv[0], "lower"))
convert = tolower;
else if(0 == strcmp(argv[0], "upper"))
convert = toupper;
printf("This program performs two functions.\n");
printf("If the executable is named lower then it converts all the input on stdin to lowercase.\n");
printf("If the executable is named upper then it converts all the input on stdin to uppercase.\n");
printf("As you have named it %s it prints this message.\n", argv[0]);
ErrorStatus = BAD_NAME;
/* ok so far, keep looping until EOF is encountered */
if(SUCCESS == ErrorStatus)
while(EOF != (c = getchar()))
/* and return what happened */
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